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Characters from The Father, Son, and Holy Shuttle

Amy & Joe Sei 1977  (3).jpg

Joe Joe - he loved to torment me and couldn't let go of a Mexican conspiracy to make his life miserable. 

Amy & Joe Sei 1977  (5).jpg

Pop Pop pointing to the name of Dad's spacecraft. I only ever knew him in a wheel chair, his legs taken by polio.

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Pop Pop and Grandma. In another age, Grandma would have been an explorer, astronaut, or Nobel Prize winner. 

Amy & Joe Sei 1977  (1).jpg

Joe Joe Nonnie. Nonnie smoked two packs of cigarettes a day while reading mystery novels at the kitchen table.

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Pop Pop with his trademark pipe. He scared me a little but as I grew up, I admired his chutzpa - he pushed the limits with confidence.

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Grandma in her youth. She raised six children and cared for an adult, her husband, who was in a wheelchair for most of his adult life.

©2018 by Patrick Mullane - Author and Speaker.

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